Fermenting Fruit with The Probiotic Army

Fermenting Fruit with The Probiotic Army

Howdy there, folks! Fred the LumberJack here, bringing you some no-nonsense wisdom straight from the heart of the wild. Today, we’re diving into one of nature’s best-kept secrets—fermenting your own fruits and berries using the power of *The Probiotic Army*. This ain't your grandma’s jam-making, no sir! We’re talking about creating food that’ll last through the harshest conditions, all while giving your body the nutrients it craves. Let's get into the nitty-gritty of how this works and why you should be doing it, whether you’re out in the bush or just want to live like a true lumberjack at home.
The Raw Power of Lactobacillus: Your Gut's Best Friend 
1. Supercharging Cellular Communication with Glycoproteins 
Lactobacillus is more than just a gut-friendly bacterium—it’s a cellular powerhouse. These probiotics help your body create glycoproteins, which are crucial for cell communication and immune response. Think of them as the Morse code of your immune system, sending out signals that help cells identify friend from foe, keeping you healthy and ready for whatever nature throws your way. When you're out there, the last thing you need is your body playing telephone with a bad connection.
-  Lis H, Sharon N. "Lectins: Carbohydrate-specific proteins that mediate cellular recognition." *Chemical Reviews*. 1998;98(2):637-674. doi:10.1021/cr940091r.
-  Varki A, et al. "Essentials of Glycobiology." 3rd edition. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; 2015.
2. Protecting Your Vital Organs from Pathogens
Whether you’re chopping wood or catching fish, exposure to waterborne pathogens is always a risk. But Lactobacillus has your back! These hardy probiotics produce antimicrobial substances that create a protective barrier around your organs, particularly your liver, brain, and heart. It's like having a natural shield that keeps those nasty bugs at bay while you focus on surviving and thriving.
-   Zuo T, et al. "The protective role of gut microbiota and probiotics in the pathogenesis of waterborne diseases." *Front Microbiol.* 2022;13:844090. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2022.844090.
-  Islam MA, et al. "Probiotics for the prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infections: A systematic review." *Nutrients*. 2021;13(5):1630. doi:10.3390/nu13051630.
3. Fortifying Your Gut, Ear, Nose, and Throat
Your gut isn't just where food gets digested—it's the command center for your immune system. Lactobacillus works overtime to strengthen your gut lining, which in turn helps protect your upper respiratory tract. This is crucial when you're exposed to the cold, damp environment of the forest, where respiratory infections can easily take root if you're not careful.
-  Halloran K, Underwood MA. "Probiotics and the prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis." *J Perinatol.* 2019;39(3):416-426. doi:10.1038/s41372-018-0273-6.
-  Nagpal R, et al. "Gut microbiome and aging: physiological and mechanistic insights." *Nutr Healthy Aging.* 2018;4(4):267-285. doi:10.3233/NHA-170034.
4. Boosting Your Mood with Gut-Produced Serotonin
Feeling down? Your gut might be to blame! Most of your body’s serotonin—the neurotransmitter that regulates mood—is produced in the gut, not the brain. Lactobacillus plays a key role in this process, ensuring you stay positive and focused, even when you're miles away from civilization. A happy gut means a happy mind, and that’s just what you need when the going gets tough.
-  O'Mahony SM, et al. "The microbiome-gut-brain axis in health and disease." *Gastroenterol Clin North Am.* 2011;40(3):615-636. doi:10.1016/j.gtc.2011.06.005.
-  Yano JM, et al. "Indigenous bacteria from the gut microbiota regulate host serotonin biosynthesis." *Cell.* 2015;161(2):264-276. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2015.02.047.
The Practical Guide to Fermenting Your Fruit for the Trail
Now that you know why Lactobacillus is your best buddy, let’s get into how to use *The Probiotic Army* to ferment your fruits and berries. This method not only preserves your food but supercharges it with nutrients, making it the ultimate trail snack.
1. **Gather Your Bounty:** Start with soft, ripe fruits like berries, peaches, nectarines, plums, mangos, and even figs or apricots. These fruits are packed with natural sugars, making them perfect for fermentation.
2. **Unleash The Probiotic Army:** Toss your fruits into a clean jar and sprinkle in two capsules of *The Probiotic Army*. Stir it all up to distribute the probiotics evenly—these tiny warriors are ready for action!
3. **Let the Fermentation Begin:** Leave the jar at room temperature. As the Lactobacillus starts breaking down the sugars, you’ll see bubbles—proof that your army is hard at work.
4. **Optional: Slow Ferment in the Fridge:** If you’ve got some time before hitting the trail, do a slow ferment in the fridge. This will mellow out the fizz, giving you a smoother, probiotic-rich treat without the hassle of too much fermentation action when you're out in the wild.
Cold Fermented Peaches, Blueberries and Strawberries over Homemade Yogurt
Rebuild & Retain Glycogen Storage 
While working hard, long hours in the wilderness, your muscles need to be prepared for the long haul. That's where glycogen—the storage form of glucose in your muscles—comes into play. Glycogen is your muscles' go-to fuel source during intense activities like chopping wood or hiking uphill. After a hard day's work, it's crucial to replenish those glycogen stores to keep your strength and endurance up.
Fermented fruits, enriched with probiotics from *The Probiotic Army*, are perfect for this task. The natural sugars in fruits, combined with the enhanced bioavailability from fermentation, make it easier for your body to quickly convert those sugars into glycogen. Plus, the probiotics help with digestion and absorption, ensuring that your body can make the most of every bite. In short, fermented fruits help you recover faster, so you're always ready for the next challenge.
-  Ivy JL. "Glycogen resynthesis after exercise: effect of carbohydrate intake." *Sports Med.* 1991;11(1):6-19. doi:10.2165/00007256-199111010-00002.
-  Burke LM, et al. "Carbohydrates for training and competition." *J Sports Sci.* 2011;29(sup1):S17-S27. doi:10.1080/02640414.2011.585473.
The Power of Probiotics on the Trail
🌲 🦠🛡️🚶‍♂️🌲
Fermented fruits aren’t just about extending the shelf life—they’re a vital tool for maintaining your health when you’re out in the wilderness. Here’s why:
- **Maintains Gut Health:** Probiotics keep your digestive system running smoothly, preventing issues like diarrhea or constipation that can derail an adventure.
- **Immune Support:** The antioxidants and probiotics work together to strengthen your immune system, making you less susceptible to infections.
- **Energy Boost:** The natural sugars in the fruit provide quick energy, while the fermentation process makes the nutrients more bioavailable, giving you sustained fuel for those long hikes.
- **Temperature Stability:** Fermented foods don’t require refrigeration, making them perfect for long trips where keeping food cold just isn’t an option.
-  Elmadfa I, Klein P. "Immune system and micronutrients." *Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care.* 2013;16(6):703-708. doi:10.1097/MCO.0b013e328365d8e3.
-  Marco ML, et al. "Health benefits of fermented foods: microbiota and beyond." *Curr Opin Biotechnol.* 2017;44:94-102. doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2016.11.010.
If You Don't Have Fermented Fruit,
Try These Great Products from LumberJack Nutrients
Even the best-laid plans can go awry, so if you run out of your fermented stash, don’t worry! We’ve got some backup options to keep you at your best:
Sometimes your gut needs a little help, especially when you’re eating stuff that’s a bit out of the ordinary. *Axe n' Saws Digestive Enzymes* help break down those tough-to-digest foods, ensuring you get all the nutrients you need to keep going.  Using digestive enzymes while eating high protein meals, allows for better digestion into amino acids, while enhancing protein synthesis of those amino acids into muscle & organ tissue.
If you’re looking for a quick hit of nutrition, mix up some *Bonanza Organic Green Drink Formula*. It’s packed with organic greens, giving you a powerful boost of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to keep you at peak performance.  This is a great addition to anyone's backpack or bug out bag to ensure they will have some key components to a healthy diet, on the run!
And of course, keep *The Probiotic Army* on hand to maintain your gut health. Whether you’re fermenting fruit or just need to keep your microbiome in check, these probiotics are your first line of defense, no matter where you are.  When coming into cold & flu season during the wet season, we always recommend our tribesmen to thwart any scratchy throats they may be feeling, by opening up a capsule into their mouth and swish it around for as long as they can. This will populate the oral cavity with protective microbial soldiers on duty, 24/7!
Please share this article with your tribe, as you never know who you will be helping with this information!
LumberJack Nutrients
Off-Grid Power, Anytime, Anywhere!
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